/ kvfrans / studio

[1] Grilled Cheese

May 23, 2020

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It’s around 4pm on Saturday, and I really have nothing better to do, so I’m starting this project.

I’m going to try and create 100 things. The idea is to create a new thing every day, although that’s an ideal at best. As of now, I’m actually up to about #15, it’s only now that I’ve concluded that writing a post for each creation is a good idea.

Almost none of these creations will be any good – at least, there is no reason for them to be good, if they end up being good it’s just a happy accident. My goal is to keep up a habit of being creative and actually pushing ideas out there, and hopefully improving in the process.

A bunch of the early pieces are drawings since I really want to get better at it. I’ll probably also try my hand at writing somewhere down the line, but who knows.


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