I finished the last of The World God Only Knows, and it was a more emotional experience than I remembered. Throughout the whole of the last arc, Keima, who is always playing games, plays no games at all. You can feel that the conquests are getting to him, and our boy actually develops as a character.
TWGOK is technically a harem, but it really doesn’t feel like it. Our main hero isn’t some stand-in, but a real character himself who I can’t help but love. And all the girls are incredibly lovable, each with own arcs and emotional moment.
I especially love the ending, as the series ends with perhaps the first genuine relationship Keima will begin. After all the conquests where Keima has planned every move, he finally takes of his mask, just acts like himself, and sees where the wind will take him.
I’ve been listening to the character songs for TWGOK for the last month and I probably won’t stop yet.