/ kvfrans / studio

[31] Hwaryun

August 1, 2020

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Lately, my life has kind of been revolving around Skyseeker, the game I’m building. I start at 9AM, and we finish around 6PM. Aftewards, I eat dinner and take a long nap until about 9PM, and then I’m free until I sleep around 2.

As I’m staring into the face of a gap year, it’s been weighing on my mind what to do. I know for sure I want to take time off, and use the chance to experience some new things and explore. In a dream situation I would go travel around the globe, but it doesn’t seem like that can happen anytime soon. I’ve applied to some jobs in Japan, and if that works out it sounds like a great opportunity.

A while back, I watched a video that said our jobs in lockdown were to improve ourselves, and emerge better. I have been taking this advice to heart, but sometimes I sit back and ask myself “why?”. In this dilemna, I watched a great video from an Inspirational Japanese Guy. “Do your best in the moment”, he says. That’s all that matters. So even though the future is uncertain, I will keep doing my best.


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