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[12] Suwa Mishakuji

May 31, 2020

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It is my first Saturday after starting a 10-6 schedule, and it finally feels like a real weekend. Even in normal times, I am bad at telling what day it is, and during this work-at-home time everything really blends together. But for the next two days, I will be free from any obligations.

At Kirisame Jump, we have finished our first title. I wanted to learn about how to make an engaging game loop, taking inspiration from clicker games and the like. We ended up creating a sort of Stardew Valley x Factorio title, where the player has to scale up their farm to produce more and more plants. There are a bunch of nice tools for automation, such as automatic water sprinklers and harvesters.

On the last day, I played through the entire game, and it took about three hours. That whole time, I was engaged, trying to make my factory as efficient as possible. So I am overall pleased with how we did. While the game as a whole is pretty unpolished, the joy and almost addiction of building factories was definietly there.

By the way, One Piece is getting intense in the Wano arc. I have re-read the manga for the fourth time, and it is still just as amazing of an adventure. Oda, thank you and keep up the work.


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